Fighting 4 ethical AI & dedicated to protecting artists' rights

Safeguarding the Future of Music in the Dawn of AI Revolution

What we’re seeing in the music industry is a digital gold rush, where our creative work is mined without regard, without respect. Unethical AI companies, are profiting off our legacy, without a thought for the artists who bled for these notes. Future careers are uncertain.

  • Artists' rights to control how their music is used and appropriated must be upheld, especially against AI entities mining creative works without consent. The first thing we have to do in the AI generation is protect artists, assets, and intellectual property. Once we have ethical AI standards in place, including protection from illegal, use, and proper attribution we can immediately look to type of music we can create using AI as a magical tool.

  • Sound Ethics stands firm that the heartbeat of our cultural heritage is the continuous support of our creative community. We support business models and practices that promote fair compensation and recognition for artists' contributions to the AI-influenced future of music. As an industry, we will develop solutions to safeguard and enhance the rights of musicians in the age of AI. Through research, experimentation, and development we aim to protect creative works from exploitation, ensure fair attribution, and manage royalties with precision. Technology, in our vision, is the ally that empowers creators to navigate the digital realm with confidence, control, and the recognition they rightfully deserve.

  • Our commitment lies in educating artists, industry professionals, and the broader public about AI's implications for music rights. Through research, collaboration, webinars, and online resources, we aim to equip stakeholders with the understanding and tools they need to navigate and shape an ethical AI landscape. By fostering a well-informed community, we enable proactive protection of creative output and advocate for policies that reflect our collective wisdom and values.

  • We assert that the future of music should not be left solely in the hands of policymakers. While we advocate for legislative support and acknowledgment of the revolutionary shifts in the music industry due to AI, we place greater emphasis on grassroots efforts and industry self-regulation. We foster a coalition of artists, labels, lawyers, and tech pioneers to collaboratively spearhead the changes we wish to see. Our ethos is to encourage innovation, resource sharing, and empowerment from within the community, promoting a vibrant ecosystem where legislation complements rather than dictates our collective progress. Copyright regulation that doesn't stifle technological advancement.

  • The current Industry is not adequately prepared to safeguard the interests and rights of artists and rights holders in the rapidly evolving landscape of the AI revolution. We support the creation, adoption, and facilitation of legal structures and ethical guidelines that address the unique challenges AI poses to music rights, ensuring artists’ interests are front-lined in new legislation.

  • We insist on the need for crystal-clear transparency in the way AI-generated content references and compensates the original creators, preserving the legacy and rights of those whose work fuels AI progress. Sound Ethics seeks a delicate balance between robust copyright protection and the spirit of innovation.

  • We champion decentralizing the control of music rights to foster freedom, inclusivity, and transparency. Let’s empower artists and copyright holders over their contracts, and royalties in the AI revolution. We advocate for copyright regulation that doesn't stifle technological advancement but ensures fair use and compensates artists fairly for the utilization of their work within AI applications.

OUR 7 Core Principles

— We CAN’T JUST RELY ON policymakers. we’ve seen that before with Napster

Most people we talk to face uncertainty about the future of our industry due to AI-generated music and are concerned about their survival.

What People Are Saying

"If a machine is able to take something from someone's lifetime and experience and re-create it or take someone's voice and use it without permission, let's just call it what it is: It's wrong"

-Grammy-nominated songwriter Jamie Moore

“AI's going to be a part of our lives, and it's going to be something that kind of augments our own intelligence, our own collective intelligence. And that's fine. But when it comes to using someone's likeness, using their intellectual property, I believe our rights should still be protected"

-John Legend

“Every large company takes basically the same position. That position is that they’re able to do what they want with training models because of the fair use doctrine, including training on data scraped from the internet or other databases without consent."

-Ed Newton-Rex Hero - Resigned from Stability AI

“AI companies using copyrighted works to train their models to create similar works is exactly the type of behavior the copyright office and courts should explicitly ban.”

-Karl Fowlkes Entertainment Lawyer

Stand with us. Support our Foundational Ethos. Champion the rights of every creator.

Absolute Respect for Creative Copyright: We affirm the inviolable right of artists to control the usage of their music. We insist on mandatory direct consent for any use of their works in training AI models, preempting exploitation and unauthorized appropriation.

We are the ones against greedy AI companies who dont give proper credit, ROyalties, and respect